Rigid heddle looms

Krosno tkackie Presto KOLOR ROKU 2025

Krosno tkackie Presto KOLOR RO...

Krosno ramowe typu Rigid Heddle Loom (o sztywnym grzebieniu) model Presto w UNIKATOWYM KOLORZE LAWENDOWYM dostępnym tylko w roku 2025 jest wykonane jest z drewna malowanego ekologiczną, specjalnie dobraną farbą. Wersja w KOLORZE LAWENDOWYM dedykowana jest miłośnikom oryginalnych i unikatowych produktów w najlepszej jakości.Idealne do tkania szalików i małych form tkackich. Świetne do nauki tkania, również dla dzieci. Nowoczesne krosno będące świetną alternatywą dla dużych poziomych krosien. Proste i wygodne w obsłudze. Szerokość tkania 25 cm. Siatka pełni równocześnie funkcję płochy i nicielnic. Osnowę można przygotować bezpośrednio na krośnie z pomocą kołka. Cechuje je ciekawe wzornictwo i dbałość o staranne wykończenie.
 Wykonane jest z nielakierowanego drewna olchowego. Nowością jest kilka elementów mechanicznych: pręty napinające i wyrównujące osnową, równocześnie podnoszące ją ponad ramę, co ułatwia tkanie; nóżki pozwalające wygodnie tkać bez stojaka, metalowe zębatki i ich zewnę...

Biały stojak do krosna Presto

Biały stojak do krosna Presto

Limitowana seria kolorowych produktów Krosmki. Stojak w kolorze białym idealnie pasuje do malowanych krosien Presto: lawenda, mięta, puder.Bardzo wygodny, stabilny stojak, który umożliwia ustawienie krosna ramowego Presto 25 i 40 cm na odpowiedniej wysokości i pod odpowiednim kątem. Wykonany z drewna, malowany ekologiczną farbą. Sprzedawany w kartonie do samodzielnego złożenia. Rozmiar: 25, 40 cm (opcje produktu) Producent: Kromski...

Harp Forte  80 cm Weaving Loom

Harp Forte 80 cm Weaving Loom

Harp Forte Rigid Heddle Looms by Kromski are great for beginners to weaving and experianced weavers who want to use up odd bits of yarn. Nothing special is required, normal knitting yarns work well in addition to the more traditional weaving yarns.They are best suited to the smaller projects of scarves, cushion covers, rugs.  With the single post warping method they can be set up quite quickly. Add on a second heddle block and with two heddles simple pattern work can be produced. These looms are made and finished to a very high standard, the scroll finish and turned wooden fittings all contribute to the quality of care taken in the manufacture. The loom fods up with the warp in place for transportation and storage.Clamps for table fixing and warping posts included.Comes with a 8 dent heddle, 2 stick shuttles, a threading hook, 2 clamps, a warping peg and warping board pegs.All looms incorporate a set of pegs for converting the loom into a warping frame. and warping peg for single p...

Harp Forte 20 cm Weaving Loom

Harp Forte 20 cm Weaving Loom

Harp Forte Rigid Heddle Looms by Kromski are great for beginners to weaving and experianced weavers who want to use up odd bits of yarn. Nothing special is required, normal knitting yarns work well in addition to the more traditional weaving yarns.They are best suited to the smaller projects of scarves, cushion covers, rugs.  With the single post warping method they can be set up quite quickly. Add on a second heddle block and with two heddles simple pattern work can be produced. These looms are made and finished to a very high standard, the scroll finish and turned wooden fittings all contribute to the quality of care taken in the manufacture. The loom fods up with the warp in place for transportation and storage.Clamps for table fixing and warping posts included.Comes with a 8 dent heddle, 2 stick shuttles, a threading hook, 2 clamps, a warping peg and warping board pegs.All looms incorporate a set of pegs for converting the loom into a warping frame. and warping peg for single post ...

Harp Forte 40 cm Weaving Loom

Harp Forte 40 cm Weaving Loom

Harp Forte Rigid Heddle Looms by Kromski are great for beginners to weaving and experianced weavers who want to use up odd bits of yarn. Nothing special is required, normal knitting yarns work well in addition to the more traditional weaving yarns.They are best suited to the smaller projects of scarves, cushion covers, rugs.  With the single post warping method they can be set up quite quickly. Add on a second heddle block and with two heddles simple pattern work can be produced. These looms are made and finished to a very high standard, the scroll finish and turned wooden fittings all contribute to the quality of care taken in the manufacture. The loom fods up with the warp in place for transportation and storage.Clamps for table fixing and warping posts included.Comes with a 8 dent heddle, 2 stick shuttles, a threading hook, 2 clamps, a warping peg and warping board pegs.All looms incorporate a set of pegs for converting the loom into a warping frame. and warping peg for single post ...

Harp Forte 60 cm Weaving Loom

Harp Forte 60 cm Weaving Loom

Harp Forte Rigid Heddle Looms by Kromski are great for beginners to weaving and experianced weavers who want to use up odd bits of yarn. Nothing special is required, normal knitting yarns work well in addition to the more traditional weaving yarns.They are best suited to the smaller projects of scarves, cushion covers, rugs.  With the single post warping method they can be set up quite quickly. Add on a second heddle block and with two heddles simple pattern work can be produced. These looms are made and finished to a very high standard, the scroll finish and turned wooden fittings all contribute to the quality of care taken in the manufacture. The loom fods up with the warp in place for transportation and storage.Clamps for table fixing and warping posts included.Comes with a 8 dent heddle, 2 stick shuttles, a threading hook, 2 clamps, a warping peg and warping board pegs.All looms incorporate a set of pegs for converting the loom into a warping frame. and warping peg for single post ...

Harp Loom Bag

Harp Loom Bag

A convenient and practical bag into which you can pack your folded Harp loom, accessories and attach the longer parts of the stands from the outside (the others will fit inside the bag). It has a large external zipped pocket and a large internal Velcro fastened pocket. All your weaving essentials will fit in this one bag. Available sizes: 40 cm, 60 cm and 80 cm (product options)...

Harp Stand 20 cm

Harp Stand 20 cm

To make Your weaving on Harp Forte Rigid Heddle Loom easier and more comfortable Kromski has a beautiful floor stand. It can be used for weaving and also for warping, and for storage (your loom can be folded on the stand so it takes up less space).Warping pegs (which come with the loom) can be used as ledges on either side of the loom to hold shuttles, yarn or to keep other supplies handy. The remaining peg can be conveniently stored at the back of the loom. Size: 20 cmPrepayment requiredWaiting time: approx. 2 weeksProduced: Kromski...

Harp Stand 40 cm

Harp Stand 40 cm

To make Your weaving on Harp Forte Rigid Heddle Loom easier and more comfortable Kromski has a beautiful floor stand. It can be used for weaving and also for warping, and for storage (your loom can be folded on the stand so it takes up less space).Warping pegs (which come with the loom) can be used as ledges on either side of the loom to hold shuttles, yarn or to keep other supplies handy. The remaining peg can be conveniently stored at the back of the loom. Size: 40 cmPrepayment requiredWaiting time: approx. 2 weeksProduced: Kromski...

Harp Stand 60 cm

Harp Stand 60 cm

To make Your weaving on Harp Forte Rigid Heddle Loom easier and more comfortable Kromski has a beautiful floor stand. It can be used for weaving and also for warping, and for storage (your loom can be folded on the stand so it takes up less space).Warping pegs (which come with the loom) can be used as ledges on either side of the loom to hold shuttles, yarn or to keep other supplies handy. The remaining peg can be conveniently stored at the back of the loom. Size: 60 cmPrepayment requiredWaiting time: approx. 2 weeksProduced: Kromski...

Harp Stand 80 cm

Harp Stand 80 cm

To make Your weaving on Harp Forte Rigid Heddle Loom easier and more comfortable Kromski has a beautiful floor stand. It can be used for weaving and also for warping, and for storage (your loom can be folded on the stand so it takes up less space).Warping pegs (which come with the loom) can be used as ledges on either side of the loom to hold shuttles, yarn or to keep other supplies handy. The remaining peg can be conveniently stored at the back of the loom. Size: 80 cmPrepayment requiredWaiting time: approx. 2 weeksProduced: Kromski...

Presto 25 cm Weaving Loom

Presto 25 cm Weaving Loom

Rigid Heddle Loom frame loom (with rigid comb) model Presto. Ideal for weaving scarves and small weaving forms. Great for learning to weave, also for children.   This new rigid heddle loom features a sleek modern look, paired with the same quality craftsmanship you’ve come to expect from Kromski. The Presto is available in warping widths of 8 and 16 inches and comes in unfinished Alder wood with an 8 dent heddle. This striking design offers a raised metal beam for a beautiful weaving area. Each of the metal braces on the underside of the loom are adorned with small rubber ‘stoppers’ that not only protect the top of your work surface, but also help to prevent the loom from slipping as you weave. The Presto also includes a new Warp Helper Loop which provides perfect stability between the heddle and the dowel rod while warping the loom. This simple addition acts as an extra set of hands, making the warping process a breeze. The Presto features the same metal ratchet and pawl with corre...

Presto 40 cm Weaving Loom

Presto 40 cm Weaving Loom

Rigid Heddle Loom frame loom (with rigid comb) model Presto. Ideal for weaving scarves and small weaving forms. Great for learning to weave, also for children.   This new rigid heddle loom features a sleek modern look, paired with the same quality craftsmanship you’ve come to expect from Kromski. The Presto is available in warping widths of 8 and 16 inches and comes in unfinished Alder wood with an 8 dent heddle. This striking design offers a raised metal beam for a beautiful weaving area. Each of the metal braces on the underside of the loom are adorned with small rubber ‘stoppers’ that not only protect the top of your work surface, but also help to prevent the loom from slipping as you weave. The Presto also includes a new Warp Helper Loop which provides perfect stability between the heddle and the dowel rod while warping the loom. This simple addition acts as an extra set of hands, making the warping process a breeze. The Presto features the same metal ratchet and pawl with corre...

Presto Loom Bag

Presto Loom Bag

A convenient and practical bag into which you can pack your Presto loom folded accessories and attach the longer parts of the stands from the outside (the others will fit inside the bag). It has a large external zipped pocket. All your weaving essentials will fit in this one bag. Available sizes: 25 cm, 40 cm (product options)....

Presto Stand 25 cm

Presto Stand 25 cm

A very convenient, stable stand that allows the Presto 25 cm frame loom to be positioned at the correct height and angle. Made of varnished wood. Sold in a cardboard box for self-assembly. Size: width 25 cm Manufacturer: Kromski...

Presto Stand 40 cm

Presto Stand 40 cm

A very convenient, stable stand that allows the Presto 25 cm frame loom to be positioned at the correct height and angle. Made of varnished wood. Sold in a cardboard box for self-assembly. Size: width 40 cm Manufacturer: Kromski  ...
