Ręcznie farbowane loki w zestawach kolorystycznych (5 kolorów). Loki to runo owiec charakterystycznie skręcone i karbowane. Można używać ich do filcowania na sucho m.in. jako futerko do zwierzątek, włosy troli, aniołków, czy jako dodatek do filcowania na mokro (filcowych torebek, dywanów) - tworzą wypukłości i ciekawą fakturę. Oryginalne kolory.
Waga: 10 g
Cena: 8 zł
Yellows-browns - hand dyed locks

Yellows-browns - hand dyed loc...

Wool locks of specifically curled and corrugated sheep fleece(mixed breeds). Can be used for needle felting as fur of animals, troll hair, angels or as a decoration in wet felting, creating reliefs and textures. Dyed with acid dyes. Composition of yellows-browns....

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Blues - hand dyed locks

Blues - hand dyed locks

Wool locks of specifically curled and corrugated sheep fleece (mixed breeds). Can be used for needle felting as fur of animals, troll hair, angels or as a decoration in wet felting, creating reliefs and textures. Dyed with acid dyes. Composition of blues....

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Greens - hand dyed locks

Greens - hand dyed locks

Wool locks of specifically curled and corrugated sheep fleece (mixed breeds). Can be used for needle felting as fur of animals, troll hair, angels or as a decoration in wet felting, creating reliefs and textures. Dyed with acid dyes. Composition of greens....

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Reds-purples - hand dyed locks

Reds-purples - hand dyed locks

Wool locks of specifically curled and corrugated sheep fleece (mixed breeds). Can be used for needle felting as fur of animals, troll hair, angels or as a decoration in wet felting, creating reliefs and textures. Dyed with acid dyes. Composition of reds-purples....

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