Płochy tkackie służące do przetykania nitek osnowy dla utrzymania ich porządku, szerokości powstającej, dobiciu materiału czy otrzymania przesmyku (w przypadku siatek).Różne rodzaje, długości i gęstości. Mogą służyć do różnych rodzajów krosien. 

Producenci: Glimakra i Kromski


Very good quality metal reed made in traditional way. Used for threading the yarn for keeping them in right order, adequate width of the weaved project. It is used for impacting suceeding threads of the weft so the fabric becomes dense and strong. Reeds are produced for individual order, considering: density, height, length. Maximum possible length: 160 cm Standard height: 10,5 cm, maximum height: 12 cm Density: 5 - 36 threads per 1 cal (2,54 cm) To choose the parameters of the reed please write a note while making the order or write an e-mail. Waiting time: up to 2 weeks. Produced by: Glimakra...

Small heddle

Small heddle

Modern plastic small heddle used for waeving belts, narrow and long fabrics. It should be fixed from one side to stable point and on the other to our own midsection. The tension is regulated by appropriate lenght between the points. The reed is lifted up and down by hand, making the space for leading the weft. Lenght: 10 cm, density 10 cm, height: 12,5 cm Produced by: Kromski...

Rigid Heddle 20 cm for Harp loom

Rigid Heddle 20 cm for Harp lo...

A plastic net in a wooden frame that is an accessory for a Harp type weaving loom with a rigid heddleIt can make your weaving even more varied and exciting.You can swap the weaving net if you want to achieve a different density of fabric or put in thicker or thinner warp threads. You can also add a second net to the loom. The second net is attached to a double block (on new type looms) or an additional block, making it possible to weave twill, double-weave and many other weaving combinations. The nets are available in densities: 5, 8, 10, 12 threads per 2.5 cm Length: 20 cm Height: 12.5 cm Manufacturer: Kromski Please select the correct density of heddle in the product options....

Rigid Heddle 40 cm for Harp loom

Rigid Heddle 40 cm for Harp lo...

A plastic net in a wooden frame that is an accessory for a Harp type weaving loom with a rigid heddleIt can make your weaving even more varied and exciting.You can swap the weaving net if you want to achieve a different density of fabric or put in thicker or thinner warp threads. You can also add a second net to the loom. The second net is attached to a double block (on new type looms) or an additional block, making it possible to weave twill, double-weave and many other weaving combinations. The nets are available in densities: 5, 8, 10, 12 threads per 2.5 cm Length: 40 cm Height: 12.5 cm Manufacturer: Kromski Please select the correct density of heddle in the product options....

Rigid Heddle 60 cm for Harp loom

Rigid Heddle 60 cm for Harp lo...

A plastic net in a wooden frame that is an accessory for a Harp type weaving loom with a rigid heddleIt can make your weaving even more varied and exciting.You can swap the weaving net if you want to achieve a different density of fabric or put in thicker or thinner warp threads. You can also add a second net to the loom. The second net is attached to a double block (on new type looms) or an additional block, making it possible to weave twill, double-weave and many other weaving combinations. The nets are available in densities: 5, 8, 10, 12 threads per 2.5 cm Length: 60 cm Height: 12.5 cm Manufacturer: Kromski Please select the correct density of heddle in the product options....

Rigid Heddle 80 cm for Harp loom

Rigid Heddle 80 cm for Harp lo...

A plastic net in a wooden frame that is an accessory for a Harp type weaving loom with a rigid heddleIt can make your weaving even more varied and exciting.You can swap the weaving net if you want to achieve a different density of fabric or put in thicker or thinner warp threads. You can also add a second net to the loom. The second net is attached to a double block (on new type looms) or an additional block, making it possible to weave twill, double-weave and many other weaving combinations. The nets are available in densities: 5, 8, 10, 12 threads per 2.5 cm Length: 80 cm Height: 12.5 cm Manufacturer: Kromski Please select the correct density of heddle in the product options....

Siatka 40 cm do krosna Presto

Siatka 40 cm do krosna Presto

Siatka plastikowa w drewnianej ramce będąca wyposażeniem krosna tkackiego typu Presto o sztywnym grzebieniu.Dzięki niej Twoje tkanie może być jeszcze bardziej urozmaicone i ekscytujące.Można zamienić siatkę do tkania płóciennego chcąc osiągnąć inną gęstość tkaniny lub założyć grubsze lub cieńsze nici osnowy. Można również dołożyć drugą siatkę do krosna. Druga siatka mocowana jest na podwójnym bloczku (w krosnach nowego typu) lub dodatkowym bloczku, co umożliwia tkanie splotów skośnych, dwuosnowowego i wielu innych kombinacji tkackich. Siatki dostępne są w gęstościach: 5, 8, 10, 12 nici na 2,5 cm Długość 40 cm Wysokość: 12.5 cm Producent: Kromski Prosimy o wybranie właściwej gęstości siatki w opcjach produktu....

Siatka 25 cm do krosna Presto

Siatka 25 cm do krosna Presto

Siatka plastikowa w drewnianej ramce będąca wyposażeniem krosna tkackiego typu Presto o sztywnym grzebieniu.Dzięki niej Twoje tkanie może być jeszcze bardziej urozmaicone i ekscytujące.Można zamienić siatkę do tkania płóciennego chcąc osiągnąć inną gęstość tkaniny lub założyć grubsze lub cieńsze nici osnowy. Mażna również dołożyć drugą siatkę do krosna. Druga siatka mocowana jest na podwójnym bloczku (w krosnach nowego typu) lub dodatkowym bloczku, co umożliwia tkanie splotów skośnych, dwuosnowowego i wielu innych kombinacji tkackich.Siatki dostępne są w gęstościach: 5, 8, 10, 12 nici na 2,5 cmDługość 20 cmWysokość: 12.5 cmProducent: KromskiProsimy o wybranie właściwej gęstości siatki w opcjach produktu....

Red hook for heddles and reed

Red hook for heddles and reed

The plastic hook simplifing theading the heddles and the reed. It doesn't work with rigid heddle (for that one use metal threading hook). Size: 12 cm / 1,2 cm. Colour: red...

Haczyk do nicielnic i płochy

Haczyk do nicielnic i płochy

Haczyk tkacki holenderskiego producenta Lojan. Haczyk dedykowany jest przekładania nitek osnowy przez nicielnice typu Texsolv, siatki do krosien o sztywnym grzebieniu Lojan oraz metalowych płoch. Uniwersalne narzędzie o ergonomicznym kształcie. Łatwo trzyma się w dłoni, a długie ramię haczyka potrafi sięgać naprawdę daleko. Wykonany z mocnego plastiku.Producent: Lojan...

White hook for reed

White hook for reed

The plastic hook simplifing theading the heddles and the reed. It doesn't work with rigid heddle (for that one use metal threading hook). Size: 8,5 cm / 1,5 cm. Colour: white...

Threading Hook

Threading Hook

Metal with wooden handle. Simplifies and speeds up threading the reed / heddle / rigid heddle Designed for Harp loom Produced by: Kromski...

Metal threading hook

Metal threading hook

A hook to help with the weaving of warp in weaving looms.Wooden handle. On one side a flat metal hook 8.5 cm long ending in a notch. On the other side, a metal loop useful for weaving the warp in higher density netting.Ideal for putting through the spars and holes of the heddle dedicated to the Harp and Presto Kromski looms.Can be used for other types of reeds and heddles. Manufacturer: Kromski...

Weaver's choice rigged heddle

Weaver's choice rigged heddle

The variable density heddle, named Weaver's Choice Heddle by the manufacturer, is a mesh that opens up a wide range of possibilities for creative weaving on the Harp loom with a rigid comb.There is no longer a restriction to one warp density size. With Weaver's Choice, it is possible to use a coarse yarn in one project, right next to a fine and thin one. Weaver's Choice is available in lengths: 20 cm, 40 cm, 60 cm, 80 cm. Each size (5, 8,10 and 12 threads per 2.5 cm) contains the following number of individual elements :20cm - 20 elements40cm - 40 elements60cm - 60 elements80cm - 80 elements The set includes:Wooden frame (2 x 2 pieces), brass knobs and screws (6 for 20cm and 40cm grid; 8 for 60cm and 80cm grid), 2 metal connectors. In addition, a set of additional elements for the variable density grid can be purchased Manufacturer: Kromski Please select the correct grid length in the product options....

Extra heddle pack for Weaver’s Choice rigid heddle

Extra heddle pack for Weaver’s...

A set of additional elements for self-selecting the density of a variable density heddle dedicated to the Harp loom with a rigid comb. In this way, you can fit your set of elements into the heddle, making it an even density heddle as well. The set includes: 4 (each density: 5, 8, 10, 12) x 20 pieces. Manufacturer: Kromski...
