New Zeland Merino bats sets 100 g

New Zeland Merino bats sets 100 g

Sets of 5 colours of New Zeland Merino 100 % wool. Thickness of the fiber 27 mik. Carded in bats (the fibers going in various directions). Ideal for needle felting - thick fibers keep the products stiff. Very good for wet felting techniqies, espacielly for bags, slippers, carpets.

Set 6

Set 6

Set of 5 colours of New Zeland Merino 100 % wool. Thickness of the fiber 27µ. Carded in bats (the fibers going in various directions). Ideal for needle felting - thick fibers keep the products stiff. Very good for wet felting techniqies, espacielly for bags, slippers, carpets. 100 g...

Set 5

Set 5

Set of 5 colours of New Zeland Merino 100 % wool. Thickness of the fiber 27µ. Carded in bats (the fibers going in various directions). Ideal for needle felting - thick fibers keep the products stiff. Very good for wet felting techniqies, espacielly for bags, slippers, carpets. 100 g...

Set 4

Set 4

Set of 5 colours of New Zeland Merino 100 % wool. Thickness of the fiber 27µ. Carded in bats (the fibers going in various directions). Ideal for needle felting - thick fibers keep the products stiff. Very good for wet felting techniqies, espacielly for bags, slippers, carpets. 100 g...

Set 3

Set 3

Set of 5 colours of New Zeland Merino 100 % wool. Thickness of the fiber 27µ. Carded in bats (the fibers going in various directions). Ideal for needle felting - thick fibers keep the products stiff. Very good for wet felting techniqies, espacielly for bags, slippers, carpets. 100 g...

Set 2

Set 2

Set of 5 colours of New Zeland Merino 100 % wool. Thickness of the fiber 27µ. Carded in bats (the fibers going in various directions). Ideal for needle felting - thick fibers keep the products stiff. Very good for wet felting techniqies, espacielly for bags, slippers, carpets. 100 g...

Set 1

Set 1

Set of 5 colours of New Zeland Merino 100 % wool. Thickness of the fiber 27µ. Carded in bats (the fibers going in various directions). Ideal for needle felting - thick fibers keep the products stiff. Very good for wet felting techniqies, espacielly for bags, slippers, carpets. 100 g...

Własny zestaw 10 kolorów

Własny zestaw 10 kolorów

Wełna owcy rasy Merynos hodowanej w Nowej Zelandii. Grubość włókna ok. 24 μ. Wełna gręplowana warstwowo.Idealna do filcowania na sucho i mokro (większe płaszczyzny, mocniejsze produkty, np. torebki, obrazy, dywany), przędzenia (na swetry, skarpety, szaliki, czapki),Zestaw 10 kolorów do samodzielnego skomponowania do swojego autorskiego 100 g zestawu z palety. Wybierz kolory TUTAJ.Prosimy o wypisanie kolorów na końcu w uwagach do zamówienia.Waga zestawu: 100 g   Wełna posiada certyfikaty:  ...

Zestaw Wielkanocny

Zestaw Wielkanocny

Zestaw Wielkanocny do filcowania na sucho składający się 50 g wełny z Merynosa nowozelandzkiego w 10-ciu żywych wiosennnych kolorach, igły star (idealna do styropianu), igły cienkiej (świetna do detali)  oraz 3 jajek styropianowych w różnych rozmiarach. Grubość włókna ok. 24 μ. Wełna gręplowana warstwowo. Wełna posiada certyfikaty:  ...
