Needle felt is thick textile made of wool in process of machine needle felting. It is half-finished product used for further wet felting.
Can be used as pre-felt directly for making felt products f.ex. flowers, brooches, cutting elements for patterns (it perfectly felts in the surface of wool fibers) and for nuno felting techniques (as a case for the fabric). It can be cut with scissors to get precise shape. Made of 18 mik australiaj merino wool.
Density: 130 g / 110 g (Superlight)
Available sizes:
Large: 60 x 100 cm / 75 x 100 cm
Small: 60 x 50 cm / 75 x 50 cm
Needle felt is thick textile made of wool in process of machine needle felting. It is half-finished product used for further wet felting. Can be used as pre-felt directly for making felt products f.ex. flowers, brooches, cutting elements for patterns (it perfectly felts in the surface of wool fibers) and for nuno felting techniques (as a case for the fabric). It can be cut with scissors to get precise shape. Made of 18 μm Australian merino wool. Density: 110 g (Superlight) Size: 75 x 100 cm ...
Needle felt is thick textile made of wool in process of machine needle felting. It is half-finished product used for further wet felting. Can be used as pre-felt directly for making felt products f.ex. flowers, brooches, cutting elements for patterns (it perfectly felts in the surface of wool fibers) and for nuno felting techniques (as a case for the fabric). It can be cut with scissors to get precise shape. Made of 18 μm Australian merino wool. Density: 110 g (Superlight) Size: 75 x 100 cm ...
Needle felt is thick textile made of wool in process of machine needle felting. It is half-finished product used for further wet felting. Can be used as pre-felt directly for making felt products f.ex. flowers, brooches, cutting elements for patterns (it perfectly felts in the surface of wool fibers) and for nuno felting techniques (as a case for the fabric). It can be cut with scissors to get precise shape. Made of 18 μm Australian merino wool. Density: 110 g (Superlight) Size: 75 x 100 cm ...
Needle felt is thick textile made of wool in process of machine needle felting. It is half-finished product used for further wet felting. Can be used as pre-felt directly for making felt products f.ex. flowers, brooches, cutting elements for patterns (it perfectly felts in the surface of wool fibers) and for nuno felting techniques (as a case for the fabric). It can be cut with scissors to get precise shape. Made of 18 μm Australian merino wool. Density: 110 g (Superlight) Size: 75 x 100 cm ...
Needle felt is thick textile made of wool in process of machine needle felting. It is half-finished product used for further wet felting. Can be used as pre-felt directly for making felt products f.ex. flowers, brooches, cutting elements for patterns (it perfectly felts in the surface of wool fibers) and for nuno felting techniques (as a case for the fabric). It can be cut with scissors to get precise shape. Made of 18 μm Australian merino wool. Density: 110 g (Superlight) Size: 75 x 100 cm ...
Needle felt is thick textile made of wool in process of machine needle felting. It is half-finished product used for further wet felting. Can be used as pre-felt directly for making felt products f.ex. flowers, brooches, cutting elements for patterns (it perfectly felts in the surface of wool fibers) and for nuno felting techniques (as a case for the fabric). It can be cut with scissors to get precise shape. Made of 18 μm Australian merino wool. Density: 110 g (Superlight) Size: 75 x 100 cm ...
Needle felt is thick textile made of wool in process of machine needle felting. It is half-finished product used for further wet felting. Can be used as pre-felt directly for making felt products f.ex. flowers, brooches, cutting elements for patterns (it perfectly felts in the surface of wool fibers) and for nuno felting techniques (as a case for the fabric). It can be cut with scissors to get precise shape. Made of 18 μm Australian merino wool. Density: 110 g (Superlight) Size: 75 x 100 cm ...
Needle felt is thick textile made of wool in process of machine needle felting. It is half-finished product used for further wet felting. Can be used as pre-felt directly for making felt products f.ex. flowers, brooches, cutting elements for patterns (it perfectly felts in the surface of wool fibers) and for nuno felting techniques (as a case for the fabric). It can be cut with scissors to get precise shape. Made of 18 μm Australian merino wool. Density: 110 g (Superlight) Size: 75 x 100 cm ...
Needle felt is thick textile made of wool in process of machine needle felting. It is half-finished product used for further wet felting. Can be used as pre-felt directly for making felt products f.ex. flowers, brooches, cutting elements for patterns (it perfectly felts in the surface of wool fibers) and for nuno felting techniques (as a case for the fabric). It can be cut with scissors to get precise shape. Made of 18 μm Australian merino wool. Density: 110 g (Superlight) Size: 75 x 100 cm ...
Needle felt is thick textile made of wool in process of machine needle felting. It is half-finished product used for further wet felting. Can be used as pre-felt directly for making felt products f.ex. flowers, brooches, cutting elements for patterns (it perfectly felts in the surface of wool fibers) and for nuno felting techniques (as a case for the fabric). It can be cut with scissors to get precise shape. Made of 18 μm Australian merino wool. Density: 110 g (Superlight) Size: 75 x 100 cm ...
Needle felt is thick textile made of wool in process of machine needle felting. It is half-finished product used for further wet felting. Can be used as pre-felt directly for making felt products f.ex. flowers, brooches, cutting elements for patterns (it perfectly felts in the surface of wool fibers) and for nuno felting techniques (as a case for the fabric). It can be cut with scissors to get precise shape. Made of 18 μm Australian merino wool. Density: 110 g (Superlight) Size: 75 x 100 cm ...
Needle felt is thick textile made of wool in process of machine needle felting. It is half-finished product used for further wet felting. Can be used as pre-felt directly for making felt products f.ex. flowers, brooches, cutting elements for patterns (it perfectly felts in the surface of wool fibers) and for nuno felting techniques (as a case for the fabric). It can be cut with scissors to get precise shape. Made of 18 μm Australian merino wool. Density: 110 g (Superlight) Size: 75 x 100 cm ...
Ręcznie farbowany filc igłowy w zestawach kolorystycznych (5 sztuk 15/15 cm). Filc igłowy, to cienki materiał uzyskiwany maszynowo za pomocą specjalnych igieł. Jest półproduktem używanym do filcowania na mokro. Można używać jako tzw. prefilc czyli bezpośrednio do wykonywania wyrobów, np. kwiaty, broszki, czy na wzory (świetnie się wfilcowywuje w czesankę) lub do techniki nunofilc jako podkład wełniany dla tkaniny. Można go ciąć nożyczkami i uzyskiwać precyzyjne kształty. Ułatwia i przyśpiesza filcowanie oraz pozwala na uzyskanie cienkiego i delikatnego produktu. Te zestawy pozwalają na pierwsze próbki z filcem igłowym i do późniejszego korzystania z większych kawałków zobacz tutaj: Wielkość: ok. 15/15 cm Ilość: 5 sztuk Skład: 100 % wełna Kolory: różnorodne, melażowe (kilka różnych kolorów w zestawie)Producent: HOBBY-WEŁNA Cena:20 zł ...
Needle felt is thick textile made of wool in process of machine needle felting. It is half-finished product used for further wet felting. Can be used as pre-felt directly for making felt products f.ex. flowers, brooches, cutting elements for patterns (it perfectly felts in the surface of wool fibers) and for nuno felting techniques (as a case for the fabric). It can be cut with scissors to get precise shape. Made of 18 μm Australian merino wool. Density: 110 g (Superlight) Size: 75 x 100 cm ...
Needle felt is thick textile made of wool in process of machine needle felting. It is half-finished product used for further wet felting. Can be used as pre-felt directly for making felt products f.ex. flowers, brooches, cutting elements for patterns (it perfectly felts in the surface of wool fibers) and for nuno felting techniques (as a case for the fabric). It can be cut with scissors to get precise shape. Made of 18 μm Australian merino wool. Density: 110 g (Superlight) Size: 75 x 100 cm ...
Needle felt is thick textile made of wool in process of machine needle felting. It is half-finished product used for further wet felting. Can be used as pre-felt directly for making felt products f.ex. flowers, brooches, cutting elements for patterns (it perfectly felts in the surface of wool fibers) and for nuno felting techniques (as a case for the fabric). It can be cut with scissors to get precise shape. Made of 18 μm Australian merino wool. Density: 110 g (Superlight) Size: 75 x 100 cm ...
Needle felt is thick textile made of wool in process of machine needle felting. It is half-finished product used for further wet felting. Can be used as pre-felt directly for making felt products f.ex. flowers, brooches, cutting elements for patterns (it perfectly felts in the surface of wool fibers) and for nuno felting techniques (as a case for the fabric). It can be cut with scissors to get precise shape. Made of 18 μm Australian merino wool. Density: 110 g (Superlight) Size: 75 x 100 cm ...
Needle felt is thick textile made of wool in process of machine needle felting. It is half-finished product used for further wet felting. Can be used as pre-felt directly for making felt products f.ex. flowers, brooches, cutting elements for patterns (it perfectly felts in the surface of wool fibers) and for nuno felting techniques (as a case for the fabric). It can be cut with scissors to get precise shape. Made of 18 μm Australian merino wool. Density: 110 g (Superlight) Size: 75 x 100 cm ...
Needle felt is thick textile made of wool in process of machine needle felting. It is half-finished product used for further wet felting. Can be used as pre-felt directly for making felt products f.ex. flowers, brooches, cutting elements for patterns (it perfectly felts in the surface of wool fibers) and for nuno felting techniques (as a case for the fabric). It can be cut with scissors to get precise shape. Made of 18 μm Australian merino wool. Density: 110 g (Superlight) Size: 75 x 100 cm ...
Needle felt is thick textile made of wool in process of machine needle felting. It is half-finished product used for further wet felting. Can be used as pre-felt directly for making felt products f.ex. flowers, brooches, cutting elements for patterns (it perfectly felts in the surface of wool fibers) and for nuno felting techniques (as a case for the fabric). It can be cut with scissors to get precise shape. Made of 18 μm Australian merino wool. Density: 110 g (Superlight) Size: 75 x 100 cm ...